While you are grieving, we are here to take care of all the details
so that you deal with less bureaucracy and have more peace of mind

Why us?


Menucha La’ad was founded over 40 years ago and has much experience in its field.


The company provides the services surrounding the deceased professionally and according to an international standard.


The company provides many services, among them transporting bodies / the deceased to anywhere in the world, embalmment and cremation.


Company representatives have widespread contacts with the various, worldwide airlines as well as with foreign embassies in Israel and representatives at every destination in the world. This makes it possible to bring the deceased to burial swiftly and without delay and this prevents more sorrow from the families of the deceased.


The company operates with approval from the health ministry and in accordance with the laws in the different countries and international flight regulations.

About us

Menuha La’ad performs overall treatment of the deceased, whether embalming or preparation for burial, applying all of the knowledge accumulated by the company over 40 years, in treatment of fallen IDF soldiers, victims of terrorism, civil and Jewish burial, and burial in accordance with the customs of other religions. In addition, Menuha La’ad performs embalming of deceased on the required professional level, pursuant to the laws of different countries, and in accordance with international flight regulations.

In your grief, allow us to deal with all the details and bureaucracy
we are here to take care of everything
Fill out your details and we will get back to you very soon:
Full name(Required)

Transfer of deceased
from abroad to Israel

Menuha La’ad (“Eternal Rest”) is a company with over 40 years of experience in the transfer of deceased persons from abroad to Israel.
When a relative dies abroad, far from the family, whether Israeli or not, the distance itself constitutes a major problem, resulting in paralysis.  In addition, beyond the event of the death, there is a need to organize the funeral and the actions accompanying it. Who will organize it? How should it be dealt with?

Transfer of deceased
from Israel to abroad

First of all, transfer of deceased persons from Israel abroad begins with receiving the case from the family or its representative, and then dealing with the police/ hospital/ Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Health, or the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in order to release the deceased for further preparations for transfer abroad.

and return to Israel

Exhuming a deceased person from his grave and transferring him for reburial in Israel. This is usually requested by relatives who have decided to live their lives in Israel and want graves of loved ones secure and accessible in Israel.


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How it works?

Transfer from abroad to Israel
Receipt of application
a company representative contacts the grieving family
issue of permits
receipt of permits from government institutions to release the deceased
issue of death certificate
contacting the company representative abroad
embalmment, preparing the deceased for transportation
clearing the deceased through customs and security
transporting the casket to the airport and flight to destination

Our service is recommended


What to do when a person dies?
There is no greater loss than the death of a close and dear person, and a stranger will not understand it. The magnitude of the grief that overwhelms and continues to overwhelm again and again is not an experience that words can describe
Transferring bones to Israel
The transfer of a person’s body to a country different from the country in which he died for burial near his death, or flying a deceased can be for reburial. Usually, in a second burial, it will no longer be a corpse but what remains of it, meaning only itself, which also belongs to a different preservation treatment for the flight.
Transfer of deceased
For transfer and flight services for the deceased and to receive more information and professional advice on the subject, leave your details on the company’s website or contact Menucha Laad by phone at 972-3-6872929/ 972-50-521-2464.


  1. Receipt  power of attorney and invitation to fly the deceased.
  2. Receipt information about the transaction and the deceased.
  3. Receipt of the certificate of burial place in Israel.
  4. יContacting the family representative at the place of death.
  5. Issuing a power of attorney to the mission in the transfer of the deceased to Israel.
  6. The care of the deceased will be done according to the will of the family.
  7. Embalming / Purity / Dressing of clothes.
  8. Coordination the date of transfer of the deceased.
  9. Receipt of payment for the flight of the deceased to Israel.
  10. Receipt of the coffin at the airport in Israel, transfer to the place of burial and organization of the funeral and burial.

Overall, in Judaism, it is of the utmost importance to bring the deceased to burial as soon as possible and without delay. That is one of the most basic and important principles of Judaism. Mecha Laad has been operating for over 40 years and has widespread contacts in every country around the world. These connections assist our company in making sure the deceased is transported to Israel as soon as possible and without delay. Of course, the flight duration relies on several factors – the point of departure, issuing of necessary flight documents and the relevant airlines’ schedules. At Menucha Laad, we do everything to provide swift, courteous, devoted and efficient service in order to bring the deceased to burial in Israel without delay.

There are several factors which influence the cost of flying the deceased to a certain destination, such as – the weight of the casket, the flight distance and whether or not it is a non-stop flight. Our company operates efficiently and professionally to ease the burden on the family of the deceased at the most difficult moments and does everything possible to ensure that the cost is reasonable.

Part of the comprehensive service package that Menucha Laad provides, are contacts and representatives in every country, who work directly with embassies abroad in order to obtain all the relevant permits, including a death certificate. One of the main documents necessary in order to transport the deceased to Israel from abroad, is a consular permit relevant to the country in question. In each country the procedure of issuing a consular permit is different. When the deceased reaches Israel, there is no need to issue an Israeli death certificate. In order to carry out transportation and flight of the deceased from abroad to Israel, Hevra Kadisha or any other burial company, must issue a permit of where the deceased will be interred. This permit is issued free of cost to anyone eligible for burial in Israel funded by the National Security Office, or with the acquisition of burial rights to those who don’t have Israeli social security.

Menucha Laad with over 40 years of experience in the field of transporting deceased from many countries in the world among them
United States, Canada, France, England, Germany, Philippines, Thailand, China, India, Australia, Cyprus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia Belarus, Georgia, Argentina, Brazil, Poland, Netherlands, Norway, Sri Lanka, Moldova Romania Sudan,and other countries. Our company specializes and has experience even in transporting the deceased from destinations without direct access to them.