The Menucha La’ad company has over 40 years of experience in transporting the deceased from abroad to Israel.
Menucha La’ad has representation everywhere on the globe. In order to receive a fast response and answers to any questions, contact us.
First of all, transfer of deceased persons from Israel abroad begins with receiving the case from the family or its representative, and then dealing with the police/hospital/Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Health, or the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in order to release the deceased for further preparations for transfer abroad.
The company motto is to allow the family to focus on their grief rather than dealing with transporting the deceased abroad.
The company currently carries out hundreds of flights a year, to destinations such as: USA, Canada, France, UK, Germany, Philippines, Thailand, China, India, Australia, Cyprus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Belarus, Georgia, Argentina, Brazil, Poland, Netherlands, Norway, Sri Lanka, Moldova, Romania, Sudan, and all other countries around the world.
Company services are provided to the various government ministries, the Jewish Agency, various churches, foreign insurance companies, and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Services for the transfer of deceased from Israel to abroad are as follows:

Additional information and cost:
There are a number of factors which impact the cost of transporting the deceased from one place to another, including – the weight of the casket, the flight distance and whether or not it is a direct flight. Our company operates efficiently and professionally to ease the burden on the family of the deceased at the most difficult moments and does everything to ensure that the cost is reasonable.
13. For further information on transporting the deceased and flying bodies from abroad, contact the staff at Menucha La’ad: +972-505212464